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Hemlock Construction has been a part of the Northwestern Connecticut community for nearly 50 years, and has contributed constantly throughout, from sponsoring Little League, softball, soccer teams, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and more. We believe in taking care of the community that takes care of us.

Brown's Corner
At the inception of the park, Hemlock employees ran the bulldozers that made the first soccer field. Over 20 years later, the town of New Hartford desperately needed more parking for the only sports complex in town. The existing parking lot only held about 45 cars and the adjacent road was too narrow to sustain two way traffic, let alone cars parking on the edges. This left parents parking on state highway Route 202 and crossing traffic to get to the park.
The town leaders asked the community for help with this situation and Hemlock Construction stepped up to the plate. Over the next four years Hemlock removed over 55,000 cubic yards of earth from the site, graded and graveled a 200 car parking lot, graded and place topsoil on new ball fields, removed the existing road and entrance way and constructed over 1200 ft of new road complete with drainage and two new entry ways. Most importantly all of this work was done at no cost to the town. It was our way of giving back to the community.

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